Aban Loyd on the lookout for jack-up rigs Vol 8, PW 7 (30 Jun 04) News in Brief Rig owners take note. Indiaآ’s largest private sector offshore drilling company Aban Loyd Chiles Offshore is planning to go on a major rig-buying spree.... Buy this article forRs590 $9For a 30-article or annual subscription rates click here RelatedTransocean slashes ONGC jack-up rate (23 Aug 07) Eleven compete for three-rig ONGC contract (12 Jul 07) April deadline for ONGC new rig tender (22 Mar 07) Aban buys 52% of Indonesian driller (01 Jun 06) -Aban emerges winner in ONGC’s seven-rig tender (11 Aug 04) Dolphin Drilling quotes ‘too high’ for category five (30 Jun 04) ONGC rejects Pride Wyoming for KG drilling (21 Apr 04) ONGC examines rig bids for West Bengal and south (25 Feb 04)