Oil India dir. selections move at a snail's pace Vol 27, PW 12 (13 Jun 24) People & Policy Oil India awaits the selection of two new directors within the next few months:... Buy this article forRs590 $9For a 30-article or annual subscription rates click here RelatedMore obstacles to Oil India's plan for 25 wells (17 Oct 19) Attraction of OALP as Pradhan signs 32 contracts (25 Jul 19) Lal Thanhawala wants E&P at ex-Naftogaz block (29 Nov 18) Oil India and Torrent planning gas retail debut (26 Jan 17) NK Verma will be next MD of OVL (22 May 14) India unhappy at ‘slow’ Iranian pace of work (14 Jan 04) TotalFinaElf downgrades India operations (10 Apr 02) Investment in LNG permitted for stake in IBP (28 Mar 01) A year in power but a long way to go (25 Oct 00) Another oil and gas conference (09 Dec 98)