Workover rig tender contractor worries Vol 27, PW 25 (19 Dec 24) Exploration & Production ONGC and Oil India both have live tenders out for workover rigs that are giving... Buy this article forRs590 $9 For a 30-article or annual subscription rates click here RelatedTwo more workover rig tenders (25 Jul 24) SAC set to win second ONGC contract in months (13 Jun 24) Seven bid in Oil India workover rig tender (05 Oct 23) Oil India needs 10 w/o rigs (13 Jul 23) Aakash L1 for ONGC workover rig (04 May 23) SK Petro L1 in workover rig race (23 Feb 23) Selan wants workover rig (06 May 21) Deep and GTC win Oil India workover contracts (25 Mar 21) BVishal to start ONGC workover contract (28 Jan 21) High spec jack-up tender doubt as rumours fly (05 Nov 15)