P-LNG scrambling to sell 5m t/y new capacity Vol 27, PW 25 (19 Dec 24) Midstream, Downstream, Renewables Petronet-LNG is aggressively marketing its soon-to-be commissioned additional 5m... Buy this article forRs590 $9 For a 30-article or annual subscription rates click here RelatedGAIL plans another LNG swap deal with Shell (27 Jul 17) Only 3 bid in Chhara LNG re-gasification race (29 Jun 17) Expect more delay before signing SPA for Gorgon LNG (22 Mar 07) Price negotiations for extra 1.25m t/y begin soon (11 Aug 05) Buying LNG from the promoters of Petronet-LNG (30 Jun 04) Petronet-LNG to double Dahej capacity to 10m t/y (02 Jun 04) Why gas price linked to crude won’t work (10 Sep 03) Petronet-LNG and NTPC agree over Kayamkulam (18 Jun 03) Dahej shrugs off breakwater troubles (21 May 03)