CNG costlier than diesel after recent APM cuts Vol 27, PW 25 (19 Dec 24) Midstream, Downstream, Renewables Years of investment by CGD operators in CNG infrastructure could become redundant when... Buy this article forRs590 $9 For a 30-article or annual subscription rates click here RelatedLNG demand soars as APM gas cuts start to bite (19 Dec 24) More CNG stations despite APM gas cuts: BPCL (14 Nov 24) CGD companies want rollback of APM gas cut (31 Oct 24) Existential crisis as CGDs face sharp UBP hike (11 Aug 22) Another gas battle between Delhi and Gujarat (24 Jan 13) Adani asks UP government to lower taxes on retail gas (19 Apr 07) Ram Naik repeats pledge for early abolition of APM (08 Dec 99) REFINERIES: TWO POLICIES, ONE OIL MINISTRY (09 Jun 99)