Petronet-India protests Reliance pipeline plans Vol 7, PW 11 (13 Aug 03) Midstream, Downstream, Renewables Curious are the ways in which India's state-owned oil industry companies function.... Buy this article forRs590 $9 For a 30-article or annual subscription rates click here RelatedMore gas pipelines as Delhi unlocks IGGL's cash (16 Jan 20) GAIL drops Tamil Nadu for Kerala in R-LNG plan (17 Nov 16) GAIL Kochi R-LNG pipeline doubts (22 Oct 15) No GAIL pipe tender for Pradhan's pipeline (04 Jun 15) Violence halts Reliance drilling at CBM blocks (18 Dec 14) Koyali to Ratlam pipeline ready in March (26 Feb 09) Trouble ahead for Myanmar gas exports to India (16 Jul 03) Finance ministry blocks ONGC bid to buy Mangalore Refineries (06 Nov 02) IOC and BPCL oppose Reliance gas pipeline (01 Aug 01) Farmers protest Enron’s pipeline plan in Maharashtra (29 Sep 99)