BG asks ministry for more time on PMT audit demand Vol 12, PW 24 (07 May 09) Exploration & Production Rarely has the oil ministry come down so heavily against a foreign oil company in India. ... Buy this article forRs590 $9 For a 30-article or annual subscription rates click here RelatedBG under CAG spotlight over Aker contract (13 Feb 14) Get ready for another PMT battle with ministry (27 Jan 11) CAG begins detailed audit of BG-operated PMT (28 Jan 10) British Gas must suffer pain of CAG audit at PMT fields (27 Aug 09) PMT audit meeting for August 4 (30 Jul 09) Enron's legacy will make PMT audit a nightmare (07 May 09) DGH comes down heavily on BG and PMT consortium (15 Jan 09) Sibal defends introduction of new PSC audit norms (21 Aug 08)