Reliance hard at work to revive 'sick' D6 wells Vol 17, PW 20 (22 May 14) Exploration & Production Reliance is busy 'working over' sick wells at the D1 and D3 producing gasfield within the D6 or KG-DWN-98/3 permit... Buy this article forRs590 $9 For a 30-article or annual subscription rates click here RelatedDeep to deploy another workover rig for ONGC (19 Dec 19) BP-Reliance plannning $55.49m exploration well (18 Apr 19) Reliance wants another KG-DWN-98/3 drillship (07 Feb 19) DD-KG1 and Beyoncé Compete for attention (13 Dec 18) Reliance aims first MJ-1 gas production by 2021 (26 Jul 18) Cambay sub-asset revives 18 wells (03 Dec 15) DGH tells ONGC to auction all its 'sick' wells (10 Sep 15) Pradhan demands 'instant miracles' from ONGC (04 Dec 14) Reliance hard at work to revive 'sick' D6 wells (22 May 14) Aker keeps the party going at D6 gasfield (22 Aug 13)