'Parent company cheated me!' says Saumya DSM Vol 17, PW 21 (05 Jun 14) Midstream, Downstream, Renewables Gas retailer Saumya DSM Infratech, also known by brand name Sanwariya Gas, is worried that its parent company... Buy this article forRs590 $9 For a 30-article or annual subscription rates click here Related'Parent company cheated me!' says Saumya DSM (05 Jun 14) Saumya DSM relieved to get APM gas from GAIL (28 Nov 13) Gas regulator punishes three CGD companies (13 Jun 13) Saumya wants to sell its gas license for Mathura (21 Feb 13) Saumya poised to sign D6 contract for 20,000 cm/d (28 Jun 12) PNRGB reviews first CGD licensing round (05 Apr 12) Gas for Mathura (07 Apr 11) Saumya to begin selling CNG in Mathura (10 Feb 11) Saumya DSM finally arranges gas for Mathura (25 Feb 10) Mathura waits for Saumya DSM to get its act together (27 Aug 09)