Air pollution forces IOC to change Koyali plans Vol 18, PW 10 (15 Jan 15) Midstream, Downstream, Renewables Shockingly high air pollution levels plaguing Delhi and other big Indian cities have forced IndianOil to concentrate on producing... Buy this article forRs590 $9 For a 30-article or annual subscription rates click here RelatedAshish Chatterjee down with Covid (19 Nov 20) Questions aplenty for IOC petchem plans (05 Nov 20) GAIL and GSPL attack IOC's dedicated pipeline (23 Aug 18) Air pollution forces IOC to change Koyali plans (15 Jan 15) Closure threat at IOC for dirty Koyali refinery (16 May 13) Ahmedabad no longer fourth polluted city in India (26 Jun 08) IOC launches programme to hike ‘refinery yields’ (25 Feb 04) IOC determined to win back Mumbai High crude (27 Aug 03) Reliance pipelines put IOC's market share at risk (13 Aug 03) India's refiners prepare counter-attack against CNG and LPG (11 Sep 02)