Pradhan develops taste for overseas travel Vol 18, PW 19 (21 May 15) News in Brief Narendra Modi’s administration is intensifying India's hunt for... Buy this article forRs590 $9 For a 30-article or annual subscription rates click here RelatedPradhan wants 'quick production' from DSF-3 (17 Jun 21) No one likes Oil India's 7475-lkm 2D BEC terms (04 May 17) Pradhan's diary triggers roadshow chaos at DGH (11 Aug 16) Pradhan reaps IOC Paradip refinery dividend (28 Jan 16) Amit Shah summons Pradhan to explain (30 Jul 15) Pradhan develops taste for overseas travel (21 May 15) ONGC only has itself to blame for 'rig shortage' (18 Dec 14) GAIL likely to extend LNG tanker bid deadline (23 Oct 14) Deora doesn’t like travelling overseas (18 May 06) HARSH CLIMATE FORCES ONGC CUTBACKS (31 Mar 99)