Air-hammer drilling plans for Vindhyan basin Vol 20, PW 10 (09 Feb 17) Exploration & Production Air-hammer drilling service providers can look forward to work from ONGC which is... Buy this article forRs590 $9 For a 30-article or annual subscription rates click here RelatedONGC wants to exploit Hatta discoveries in MP (31 Oct 24) ONGC seeks AI solution for 2 Vindhyan blocks (29 Jun 23) ONGC wins 4-well approval for Vindhyan block (12 Jan 23) Airborne seismic wanted for ONGC blocks (01 Jul 21) ONGC to get EC for 15 wells in Madhya Pradesh (17 Oct 19) Air-hammer drilling plans for Vindhyan basin (09 Feb 17) April start for Vindhyan 4-well campaign (03 Dec 15) ONGC plans 4-well Madhya Pradesh campaign (16 Jul 15) Drilling a 'Wild Cat' in Madhya Pradesh (26 Apr 00) A $5m exploration well planned for “Frontier” Madhya Pradesh (22 Dec 99)