Imagine a day when MRPL might cease to exist Vol 21, PW 5 (30 Nov 17) People & Policy HPCL chairman and managing director MK Surana believes ONGC refining subsidiary... Buy this article forRs590 $9 For a 30-article or annual subscription rates click here RelatedErnst & Young hires petroleum engineers (28 Jan 21) Imagine a day when MRPL might cease to exist (30 Nov 17) Hunt on for next MRPL managing director (21 Sep 17) MRPL in talks with HPCL to share Cairn Mangala crude (21 Feb 08) Valentine Day interviews for MRPL (24 Jan 08) MRPL final list for MD post ready (10 Jan 08) Mangala crude will attract a discount whoever buys it (30 Nov 06) ONGC lobbies to divert Mumbai High crude to MRPL (21 Apr 04) Playing the blame game with MRPL's losses (18 Jun 03) REFORM MOVES ONE STEP AHEAD AT ONGC (07 Jul 99)