ONGC acts promptly to avert gas row with Cairn Vol 21, PW 9 (08 Feb 18) Exploration & Production Leaving nothing to chance, ONGC has acted fast to avoid a repeat of its damaging gas... Buy this article forRs590 $9 For a 30-article or annual subscription rates click here Related'Start looking for JV partners!' DGH to ONGC (22 Apr 21) Cairn sacks 500 staff with just 24 hours notice (13 Aug 20) Cairn-ONGC cost dispute hits RJ-ON-90/1 FDPs (09 Aug 18) ONGC acts promptly to avert gas row with Cairn (08 Feb 18) Panic as Cairn-Suvali gas pipeline springs leak (29 Jun 17) BG mainly interested in Cairn’s gas assets not oil (06 Apr 06) DGH cautions ONGC over wisdom of drilling blindly (18 May 05) Petrocon backs down in 'Profit Petroleum' row (21 May 03) Six old ONGC wells at Ravva threaten environment (05 Jun 02) OVL chooses DeGolyer to evaluate Cairn assets (22 May 02)