ONGC directors look for new helping hands Vol 22, PW 14 (02 May 19) News in Brief ONGC chief Shashi Shanker and three Board directors will soon be on the look-out for... Buy this article forRs590 $9 For a 30-article or annual subscription rates click here RelatedOil India stumbles as Covid takes hold (10 Sep 20) ONGC directors look for new helping hands (02 May 19) Pandya takes charge at Mehsana for ONGC (11 Aug 16) Essar veteran Jayesh Buch joins rival Reliance (08 May 14) Wait longer for OVL director interviews (07 Sep 06) Petronet-LNG needs to confirm Dasgupta as new MD (11 Aug 05) Worley begins work on Mumbai High (South) (17 Jul 02) Ruffling feathers at ONGC with a new work culture (06 Jun 01) PII to take over Madagascar refinery (08 Dec 99) Jehan Energy’s ambitious plans for India (29 Sep 99)