ONGC quietly re-launches PEC process for fields Vol 23, PW 26 (05 Nov 20) People & Policy Hoping no one would notice, ONGC has quietly relaunched a controversial plan to offer... Buy this article forRs590 $9 For a 30-article or annual subscription rates click here RelatedOrissa Stevedores in $1.8m row with ONGC (04 Apr 24) Lots of PEC-III interest and queries for ONGC (22 Feb 24) 13 areas offered in ONGC's new PEC round (14 Dec 23) Orissa Stevedores stripped of second PEC (09 Feb 23) Orissa Stevedores stripped of ONGC contract (12 Jan 23) ONGC quietly re-launches PEC process for fields (05 Nov 20) ONGC re-launches PEC process for Kalol-Geleki (13 Aug 20) Oil India prepares PECs for Digboi and Bagitibba (02 May 19) Oil India accepts 3 bids for PEC work (01 Nov 18) ONGC and Oil India told to create their own PEC (23 Aug 18)