More LNG buses for Maharashtra's roads Vol 24, PW 26 (18 Nov 21) Midstream, Downstream, Renewables Despite high LNG prices, state-owned road transport companies show no sign of relaxing... Buy this article forRs590 $9 For a 30-article or annual subscription rates click here RelatedMore LNG buses for Maharashtra's roads (18 Nov 21) Kant sets electric 'cat' amongst gas 'pigeons' (11 Mar 21) Wanted: help for diesel to LNG buses in Kerala (05 Nov 20) Petronet-LNG forges ahead with LNG station plan (18 Jun 20) Petronet-LNG starts work on LNG filling stations (26 Mar 20) Petronet-LNG predicts surge in auto-LNG sales (13 Feb 20) Petronet-LNG dreams of 10,000 LNG-fired trucks (26 Jul 18) Gujarat Gas switches focus to LNG trucks (31 May 18) Coming soon: LNG-fired trucks (30 Nov 17) Countdown to March 31st CNG deadline in Delhi (28 Feb 01)