Production at Ravva will start to decline by 2005 Vol 7, PW 1 (26 Mar 03) Exploration & Production IN THE Telugu language of Andhra Pradesh Ravva is the name given to a precious stone.... Buy this article forRs590 $9 For a 30-article or annual subscription rates click here RelatedShelf to drill 4 Ravva wells for Vedanta (05 May 22) Martyn Smith's challenge at Cairn (13 Jan 22) Vedanta admits 9% output drop in Rajasthan (28 Jan 21) Cairn reports good production numbers (20 Apr 17) Cairn determined to halve Ravva production decline (16 Jan 14) Ravva oil production declining quicker than expected (24 Jul 08) Ravva consortium ready to accept $4.25 per mmbtu (02 Nov 06) Why it makes sense for Cairn to sell its assets now (23 Feb 06) Cairn set to hire Hercules-30 for Ravva programme (08 Sep 05) Production at Ravva will start to decline by 2005 (26 Mar 03)