Higher LNG prices as China halts Europe sales Vol 25, PW 23 (20 Oct 22) Midstream, Downstream, Renewables China's decision to stop selling its LNG to Europe is causing anxiety among Indian... Buy this article forRs590 $9 For a 30-article or annual subscription rates click here RelatedSpot LNG unlikely to exceed $20/mmbtu (16 Nov 23) More spot LNG expected as prices drop (26 Jan 23) Higher LNG prices as China halts Europe sales (20 Oct 22) September LNG deliveries reduce to a trickle (06 Oct 22) LNG prices drop as China sells cargoes (22 Sep 22) Spot LNG harder to source as crisis spreads (08 Sep 22) Spot LNG prices start shooting up yet again! (20 May 21) More spot LNG expected in India as prices soften (10 Apr 14) Gas market in India more market-friendly than China (09 Mar 06) Gas consumer wins from imminent LNG price war (24 Mar 04)