Murder shadow over Calgary Vol 26, PW 20 (21 Sep 23) News in Brief More than 70 oil and gas delegates from India are attending the 24th World... Buy this article forRs590 $9 For a 30-article or annual subscription rates click here RelatedMurder shadow over Calgary (21 Sep 23) 'Chhote' Pradhan moves to Moscow (07 Mar 19) Anger in Kashmir as GSPL pipeline plan stalls (13 Jul 17) Essar needs 1m cm/d R-LNG at Vizag (04 May 17) Sundareshan told to stay back for Cairn talks (24 Feb 11) Border tension with Bangladesh won’t affect pipeline (04 May 05) RasGas looks on nervously as Petronet-LNG plans IPO (28 Jan 04) Narendra Modi will be arrested if he lands in Britain (08 May 02) NARAYAN RANE: THE MAN RUNNING BOMBAY (28 Apr 99) AUSTRALIAN MISSIONARY MURDER GIVES INDIA BAD NAME (03 Feb 99)