Petronet-LNG begins 'hydro testing' first LNG tank Vol 7, PW 5 (21 May 03) Midstream, Downstream, Renewables FOR PETRONET-LNG, 8th May was a special day. That evening it began pumping water into the first LNG storage tank, a process called 'hydro testing'.... Buy this article forRs590 $9 For a 30-article or annual subscription rates click here RelatedL&T progress with Dahej tanks (15 Dec 22) Adani-Total LNG terminal poised for lift-off (19 May 22) Adani-Total hydro-tests first Dhamra LNG tank (23 Sep 21) Sabarmati plans mini LNG facility at Radhanpur (19 Nov 20) Almost ready with Mundra LNG storage tanks (02 Jun 16) Journey to Dahej on a pot-holed road with craters (21 Aug 08) Petronet-LNG prepares for 5th tank at Dahej (19 Oct 06) November deadline for Dahej LNG completion (16 Jul 03) Petronet-LNG begins 'hydro testing' first LNG tank (21 May 03) Marching ahead at Dahej for first LNG to India (22 May 02)