Rajasthan drilling plan takes shape at ONGC Vol 28, PW 5 (27 Mar 25) Exploration & Production ONGC is proposing a Rs400cr ($46m) drilling programme in Rajasthan's Jaisalmer Basin... Buy this article forRs590 $9For a 30-article or annual subscription rates click here RelatedRajasthan drilling plan takes shape at ONGC (27 Mar 25) ONGC puts 'drillers' in charge as asset managers (13 Feb 20) ONGC appoints raft of new managers across India (02 May 19) ONGC receives EoIs for Nagayalanka KG gas (07 May 15) Cairn wants faster 'discovery to production' (22 Aug 13) Gloomy five-year forecast for gas production (28 Jun 12) Deep adds one more onland rig at Singrauli block (24 Sep 09) Political pressure on ONGC to retain rig in Rajasthan (13 Aug 03) ONGC Videsh plans 2D seismic programme in Iraq (19 Jun 02) Raha criticises Nathu Lal over CBM drilling time (04 Jul 01)