Fugro and Multiwave stay away from ONGC's 2D seismic tender Vol 7, PW 13 (10 Sep 03) News in Brief Fugro Geoteam and Multiwave Geophysical did not submit bids when ONGC's largest-ever 2D seismic tender closed on 3rd September.... Buy this article forRs590 $9 For a 30-article or annual subscription rates click here RelatedGeoseas of Malaysia tipped for ONGC’s 2D survey (30 Jun 05) Get ready for 25,000-sq km 3D tender from ONGC (20 Apr 05) ONGC to issue 10,000-line km 2D seismic tender (09 Mar 05) LARGE wins ONGC’s 6,700-km 2D with $2.68m bid (28 Jul 04) CGG is L1 for ONGC’s 12,946-sq km 3D shoot (14 Jul 04) Seismic contractors demand early LOA from ONGC (16 Jun 04) LARGE sole valid bidder for ONGC’s 2D survey (10 Mar 04) More seismic work as ONGC floats 2D tender (11 Feb 04) Fugro and Multiwave stay away from ONGC's 2D seismic tender (10 Sep 03) Argument dominates ONGC seismic meeting (27 Aug 03)