HPCL signs term contract for 6.1m tonnes crude oil Vol 6, PW 3 (10 Apr 02) News in Brief Early this month Hindustan Petroleum shook off the shackles of Indian Oil and signed independent term contracts to import crude oil.... Buy this article forRs590 $9 For a 30-article or annual subscription rates click here RelatedL&T favourite for Ravva wellhead contract (03 Jul 14) HPCL in no hurry to start hedging crude import risk (22 Sep 04) BP in term deal with HPCL for 6m barrels Suez Mix (22 Oct 03) Kuwait Petroleum turns down IOC request for more crude (02 Jul 03) IOC wants 3.4m tonnes extra crude in term contracts (21 May 03) Why IOC should continue to buy Libyan oil (26 Feb 03) HPCL signs term contract for 6.1m tonnes crude oil (10 Apr 02) BPCL begins importing crude without IOC (13 Mar 02) Pathan buys 9m tonnes of crude from Iran (12 Apr 00)