Programme to limit gas flaring in Krishna Godavari Vol 4, PW 8 (24 May 00) News in Brief ONGC wants to save approximately 75,000 cm/d of gas, which is flared in its Krishna Godavari Project in southern India.... Buy this article forRs590 $9 For a 30-article or annual subscription rates click here RelatedAll gas flaring must stop by December, says Joy (04 Apr 19) DGH wants Cairn and Reliance for hydrate research (23 Apr 03) Another gas find in Krishna Godavari (21 Jun 00) Programme to limit gas flaring in Krishna Godavari (24 May 00) Flawed assessment results in flaring of precious Krishna Godavari gas (02 Feb 00) Sagar Vijay spuds deepwater well ahead of time (24 Nov 99) Back to the Krishna Godavari after Goa (10 Nov 99) Goa next for ONGC deepwater exploration (15 Sep 99) SAGAR VIJAY PREPARES FOR DEEPWATER DRIVE IN ANDAMANS (26 May 99)