Another 20 stations for Delhi as CNG demand soars Vol 10, PW 18 (11 Jan 07) Midstream, Downstream, Renewables Delhi-based Indraprastha Gas has ambitions to set up another 20 CNG dispensing stations in the national capital to meet growing shortages brought on by soaring demand.... Buy this article forRs590 $9 For a 30-article or annual subscription rates click here RelatedCORRECTION (05 May 16) Indraprastha Gas looks at ways to hike revenue (05 Nov 09) Big plans for Delhi as IGL budgets Rs1700cr spend (23 Apr 09) IGL works to expand CNG network by 2010 games (13 Nov 08) Extending the reach of CNG to Pune in Maharashtra (03 Apr 08) Eight new CNG stations for Delhi (06 Mar 08) Haryana Gas waiting for CGD green signal from court (21 Feb 08) CNG supplies by Adani in Noida from March (25 Jan 07) Another 20 stations for Delhi as CNG demand soars (11 Jan 07) Indraprastha Gas extends the CNG revolution to Noida (16 Nov 06)