Confusion as GAIL told to stop work on Dabhol pipeline Vol 10, PW 25 (19 Apr 07) Midstream, Downstream, Renewables Efforts by GAIL to complete the Dahej to Uran gas pipeline on schedule have hit a major roadblock.... Buy this article forRs590 $9 For a 30-article or annual subscription rates click here RelatedGAIL completes R-LNG pipeline to Coimbatore (23 Sep 21) GAIL targets Hosur for R-LNG from Dabhol (10 Apr 14) GAIL finally delivers R-LNG from Dahej to Dabhol (12 Jul 07) Tough rock obstacles for Dahej to Dabhol pipeline (03 May 07) Confusion as GAIL told to stop work on Dabhol pipeline (19 Apr 07) Cheap LNG from Dahej to ease cost of LNG for Dabhol (14 Dec 06) GAIL under pressure to finish Dahej to Dabhol pipeline (16 Nov 06) GAIL under pressure to start work on pipeline fast (20 Apr 06) Confusion on progress of Dahej to Uran gas pipeline (07 Apr 04)