OVL wants coherent strategy for overseas oil hunt Vol 9, PW 10 (25 Aug 05) News in Brief ONGC Videsh is calling on the government to devise a coherent strategy in its hunt for overseas oil equity. ... Buy this article forRs590 $9 For a 30-article or annual subscription rates click here RelatedAK wins OVL but younger Gupta impresses most (16 Jul 20) Pradhan develops taste for overseas travel (21 May 15) Low morale at OVL as employees look for better jobs (15 May 08) Deora to go on LNG and oil hunt overseas (05 Apr 07) Wanted ' consultant for Oil India (08 Mar 07) Tata Petrodyne plans growth strategy (01 Dec 05) OVL wants coherent strategy for overseas oil hunt (25 Aug 05) Tripathi’s vision of two integrated oil companies (23 Feb 05) Diplomats not qualified to identify overseas oil equity (15 Dec 04) Why ONGC prefers state-owned companies (14 Feb 01)